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Proof of Performance: 4C for Children Campaign

Last night I enjoyed an organic Proof of Performance exchange that validated one of my favorite projects with client 4C for Children!

I attended a Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber networking event and had the pleasure of connecting with a new contact who shared she is pursuing a career change. My new friend said she has started a series of trainings to become a family child care provider... and her revelation stopped me in my tracks.

"Is this through 4C for Children?" I exclaimed! She said yes, and shared that her mom saw a billboard promoting the organization's Child Care Careers Program.

WOW! The billboard her mom saw is part of an integrated marketing and communications strategy that I've been developing in partnership with 4C for Children for nearly two years.

Billboards, bus wraps, bus shelters, geofencing, strategic PR pitches, collateral, paid social - the campaign is a multi-pronged effort to attract people to the profession of early childhood education and address the crushing child care crisis.

I've been working on a case study to highlight the success of the campaign (ed note: it smashed its 1-year goal in less than six months!), but in the meantime, please forgive my gushing about this organic Proof of Performance anecdote.

Those magic moments don't happen organically very often, and it's the kind of thing that can get a MARCOM pro really, really jazzed!


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